
Roof Flashing Guide: From Drip Edge to Valley Flashing

Drip edge metal, valley flashing, dormer, chimney, and kickout flashing are types of roof flashing that shed water away from the connections between roofs, walls, chimneys, and other building assemblies
Dec. 25, 2018

Drip edge metal, valley flashing, dormer, chimney, and kick-out flashing shed water away from the connections between roofs, walls, chimneys, and other building assemblies

This collection of 18 articles, animations, and videos identifies the critical roof flashing areas, illustrates durable roof flashing details, and shows how to flash roofs right in the real world.

SIZE UP THE JOB: Roof flashing animations

Gqpv Dcnw Gxime1vc0nbh V Ng A8g Rr Jh2 3itz Pj Izo Mo

How to Flash an Open Valley with W-Type Valley Metal

Roof valleys are like gutters with a steep pitch, but the stakes are higher for valleys than they are for gutters
March 12, 2020
2 Dqeg78h Sz83wr Nw3ts9 Nl96x Rrny Wvofvx X5u5 Vr6 E

Step Flashing 2 Brick: Its Complicated

Flashing must extend all the way from the wall to the outside. Oh yeah, and it has to be watertight and eight people have to work on it...
Sept. 1, 2022
R93cdxq Rg E S Yhec459 Qv4 Gzdv Uu W1 R Dd Yv80la Oc8

Galvanic Corrosion Explained

Contact between dissimilar metals – like copper fittings threaded into steel pipe or copper flashing fastened with steel nails – sets up an electro-chemical reaction that causes...
Oct. 28, 2019
U V Skl Gjaw Nr1 Eg L6 Pb Ih S5 Yvqw Yt T Kw Qc Ljw7 Hh Ql0

Storm Proof Roof (2): Edge Flashing and Starter Strip

Roofs peel off from the edges, so it is critical to hold them tight
May 22, 2018
Tc Upx315 Q Xlkf Cb2 A Ys F Azr G Mb Vm Pb Scvr1 Ux N6s V2 M

Flashing a Wood-Framed Chimney w/a Copper Cricket Cap

Flashing a wood-framed chimney is like flashing a dormer, except there’s no roof behind it. Without protection, water can leak into the joint and rot your walls to direct uphill...
Aug. 22, 2024
Hq Hh3 D5 P3c Gtb7ngs Vys9u50b O73 Di Ggen8 2 A2ckk

Kickout Flashing That Won't Leak

Ground zero for roof rot is often where roofs meet walls.
Sept. 20, 2016
Gh Mp C0 Qri8 Yd7sg5 Ik A4 Uvvmx Bu O Yr K2 Jy An Ui5u E4

Two Ways to Flash Roof Edges

Protect the eave from ice dams and sideways rain
June 27, 2016
F Cq0g H2 T5 Wo Gho Hl J Yls44 D Eob N Vj Ptb Vyx Rb T Qvre Y

How to Flash a Masonry Chimney Into a Metal Roof

A silent movie about flashing metal roofing into a brick chimney from UnionCorrugating.
Sept. 19, 2017
5hu I Bg Zg Ml 30b7etumbe P4 Ivc7s L Rq Z1 O1 Kpglez Si

Dormer Flashing Details in 4D

Concentrate on the corners and think like water when overlapping the layers
Oct. 29, 2016

JOBSITE KNOWHOW: Roof flashing videos

T2 Qctjd Svfy Nl A8q122 R Qw Zl 3 V7l8 Pj Ar Vq Wu5 Ugn8

Slipping (Sticky) Roof Membrane Under Existing Step Flashing

A three-foot stick can hold a section of step flashing out of the way while you work the membrane into place.
March 9, 2023
A Ak Kpqu9 Opo8 Ki1a1 9s P Ipfp3q Jl Zh Opdn Vv3i Ym0

Drip Edge Installation on an Existing Roof

A look at types of drip edge flashing, how to cut it, and how to retrofit it to an existing roof​
March 2, 2023
U O G Elq Bn U Dn W C Amo4y3 A Tty O T T Ix Nqdd04 Wn4o

Weatherization Nation 6: Roof Dry-In, Flashing, and Underlayment

Protect the edges from sideways rain, and overlap like you've done it before!
Feb. 24, 2023
Gzsl N Aya1 Ov Yhhuu2 Ohtg Ku7z Jss Xmf2 Ems Mn Mai2 A

How to Reflash a Leaky Skylight

Flashing is the key to a skylight that won't leak water into the roof
Nov. 5, 2018
4 Ti B8s F9n5rh Pk Vjhrnz A Xa0mc 0c Xiwhtx M Hx7 Qua

Overlap Drip Edge Metal Like A Boss

A drip edge overlapping strategy that won't catch the eye
July 9, 2018
K Qv Zk Dd Iz9mti Oq Xud J Bog E7 Sqh3 N Soz D Ww Al 86o7 Q

Peel and Stick in a Valley—Wait, Nail It?

Drive a nail in the valley and patch it
Jan. 22, 2019
D Fs Kzhv Yvw1 S Xs1d Az V Zo Kct Jvt9 Pnn Xe Zuiu E Gw14

Sheet Metal Secrets: Drip Edge Flashing (jobsite origami)

How to bend a lock-hem drip edge on a sheet metal brake
Jan. 17, 2018
1 Da A5dj4ln29k G Kry Cv Pw4 Nhhe Wv Xw Hbv1 Sg Eln X78

Decking A StormProof Roof (4 of 4): Sealing the Seams

Tape layers should overlap shingle-style up the roof
June 19, 2018
C Q5w21k6 Hz86al If Fi Ybwst6vu1ft Lb2 Poj Qpf Cf Rtu

Open Metal Valley Details for Asphalt Roofs

Open metal valley flashing plus ice & water membrane - your whole roof will perform better
Nov. 17, 2016
E8w D0e8 Vv Lse37a Nf Cze Za Lueh F Ji86 Ib J Ua7i Mtq Y

Flashing A Humpy Old Roof Valley

Flashing a humpy old roof valley requires a little give and take, and a backup plan
Nov. 27, 2015
A Cwo S Sq R Web Dk La Yne Ol T1 Ck N Udl F7wdheyje7it U4

Installing Drip Edge on a Humpy Old Roof

Dealing with dips and making clean overlaps
Nov. 20, 2015

BACKGROUND RESEARCH: Roof flashing articles and podcasts

Djwy N7qh2y O1 Qe Cb Ud4 Wg Wmf Ly Av Q Lgw4 U Uy4o P4 Q

Low Slope Roofing: Troubleshooting in Advance

Use membranes, drain to an open edge, slope everything, and read the *darned* manual(s)
Oct. 7, 2021
Artworks 000235315600 St1rzv T500x500

Architectural Projections: 7 Minutes of BS

Old Building Details That Work
Aug. 8, 2017
Xt Nxj8 Ia S Cw2 T Ftn C0k Q3 Rpb Zfp Pjj5 L4 Pc Ao Zpc O O

Homebuilding Smackdown: Science vs. Hurricane

The top reason to study engineering in college: Wall of Wind. Yay Science!
Jan. 6, 2018
Drip Edge Sawhorses

When Drip Edge Becomes A Double Agent

The mission of water is to turn houses to mush. Some drip edge flashings may actually help water accomplish this mission.
Dec. 23, 2016
Artworks 000271577762 6sa2vp T500x500

Drip Edge Flashing: 7 Minutes of BS

Drip edge is another water-shedding tool
Jan. 2, 2018
Q4y N Qby Dj U 3ng Vw Bz Oowe596f Nd A Senzn0o J Ay2s I

Best Practices for Steep-Slope Roofing

Sweat the details or you'll drown in them
March 11, 2016

About the Author

Dan Morrison

Dan Morrison is a founding editor of, where he is also the editor-in-chief. Fun fact: Dan is also a founding editor of Green Building Advisor and executive editor of Fine Homebuilding.

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