Siding & Exterior Trim

VERSATEX Exterior Trim Demo at 2019 IBS Show Village

Premade corners that hide siding edges and a hinged column wrap highlight this trim package
Jan. 22, 2020
2 min read

Premade corners that hide siding edges and a hinged column wrap highlight this trim package

Before you can cover a wall with siding, you need to trim the edges—beginning with the long vertical pieces, like inside and outside corners. For thick cladding, you can install a 2x2 and then rip down an exterior corner to fit over it.

On the demo house, we used 5/4-inch stock on the inside corners, and

With the tall verticals in place, the long horizontals can slip between: a deck fascia and skirt boards for the siding. The skirt boards have a bump out tab at the top to bump out the bottom course of siding.

Door trim features a built-up head casing

With trim installed below the door, side casings can sit on top and frame the opening. The side casings also have a stealth pocket for siding.

He matches the reveal at the top of the jamb with the reveal he formed at the bottom. A one-piece head casing is installed on top. Screw holes are filled with matching plugs.

Post wrap comes extra-wide with three hinge-joints

The final piece of the puzzle is wrapping the post. The VERSATEX system is a single hinged piece of trim.

After spreading adhesive in each hinge and the post is wrapped, and the wrap is snapped into place. A base also wraps and snaps in place. Trim kits are included for the top, base, and bottom.

—This video is part of a series of videos shot at the 2019 International Builders' Show in the Professional Builder Show Village onstage at ProTradeCraft's Demonstration House. See all of the videos here.

About the Author

Dan Arket

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