Japanese Carpenters Assemble a Beam with Incredibly Tight Joinery

Two Japanese carpenters demonstrate the mortise joinery used to assemble a built-up beam. The claim is that the joined beam is as strong as a solid one. #I'mBuyingIt
Sept. 4, 2016
2 min read

Here is a video treat for your weekend viewing pleasure


Two Japanese carpenters demonstrate the mortise joinery used to assemble a built-up beam. The claim is that the joined beam is as strong as a solid one.



金輪継(2/2)かなわつぎ・3日で100万再生 見どころ 0:09~上側を1分づつずらして刻んでいます。そこに栓が入っていきます。 1:22~栓が入っていくことで両方の桁を引き付けつなぎます。 1:47~ぴったりと収まるところ 2:35~両方から持ち上げても大丈夫。1本物と同じようにクレーンで吊りあげることも可能 This skill is applied for framework of house. Best system connecting the joint more than using nail or metalic joint and also chemical bonding. Mortise joint by wood provides stronger and longer life than any metal and or cheminal joint 0:07~constructing by sliding the joint for inserting the pulg Putting a pulg in this point This plug is made of hard oak wood 1:22~This plug pushes aside each other by small slope of edge of beam and making the strong structure as one unit 1:34~Replacing wider type of pin 2:05~Completion. 2:38~Jointed beam became as one unit This jointed beam is strong as solid beam This jointed beam can be lifted up by crane without any additional support 2:56~Disassembling after fitting test 3:04~Possible to dismantle by pulging in different pulg pivot 3:40~Pin is applied as this Thanks a lot I appliciate to show this skill to the world Please refer adittional move ! Please support by the 'Channel Resistration' ! ~~~~~~ "金輪継(かなわつぎ)とは、木造建築における継手のひとつ。同形の両部材の口にT字形の目違いをつけて組み合わせ、栓を差して固定する。伝統的継手の中でも強固なもののひとつで、あらゆる方向に強度が得られるため、柱や梁、桁をつなぐために用いられる。" wikipedia引用 Kanawatugi' is one of the traditonal jointing skill of wooden building making, and it gives the strongest jointing strength. Specific interlocked shape with inclinated slope provides strong joint for any direction. ~~~~~~ 準備中の動画(Preparing videos) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSa1Qq9hTTc この部分で使用している(I have used in this part) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DblkIC7hdZo ~~~~~ 2014.1.7 愛媛県今治市の大工~小林建工です。 無垢材を使い、土壁・手刻み­・仕口・貫工法による 伝統工法(伝統構法)で家を設計、建築しています。 Traditional architecture of Japan「Kobayashi Kenkou」 Channel originating the traditional technology of Japan to the world =====関連リンク(Related Links)===== 【小林建工のホームページ(Kobayashi Kenkou homepage)】 http://www.kobayashikenkou.jp/ 【Facebookページ】 https://www.facebook.com/kobayashikenkou 【YouTubeチャンネル登録はこちらから(Subscribe here)】 http://www.youtube.com/user/kobayashikenkou 【小林建工Instagram】 https://www.instagram.com/kobayashikenko.ehime/ ======================

About the Author

Dan Morrison

Dan Morrison is a founding editor of ProTradeCraft.com, where he is also the editor-in-chief. Fun fact: Dan is also a founding editor of Green Building Advisor and executive editor of Fine Homebuilding.

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