
Humpy Old Roof Flashing Secrets

Tips from an 'Old Goat' about working on older roofs
Jan. 28, 2022

Five videos and one heavy accent


T2 Qctjd Svfy Nl A8q122 R Qw Zl 3 V7l8 Pj Ar Vq Wu5 Ugn8

Slipping (Sticky) Roof Membrane Under Existing Step Flashing

A three-foot stick can hold a section of step flashing out of the way while you work the membrane into place.
March 9, 2023
2 Cg5 Tzf Fj2 E62 Re J Vy Mo Is N Tv6go Vz3j Di Se F3alfw

A Reroofing Debris Trough Made With Pump Jacks and an Old Tarp

Another peek into the Hillbilly Toolbox reveals a great idea for stripping roofs: a pump jack shingle trough
Aug. 18, 2016
E8w D0e8 Vv Lse37a Nf Cze Za Lueh F Ji86 Ib J Ua7i Mtq Y

Flashing A Humpy Old Roof Valley

Flashing a humpy old roof valley requires a little give and take, and a backup plan
Nov. 27, 2015
A Cwo S Sq R Web Dk La Yne Ol T1 Ck N Udl F7wdheyje7it U4

Installing Drip Edge on a Humpy Old Roof

Dealing with dips and making clean overlaps
Nov. 20, 2015
Rvcb8yl N Sy1 Ydy Sgimk14 Eg P Mjj7 C4 R39 Lepg05x Hc

Hillbilly Tool Hack: A Homemade Shingle Stripping Tool

Another use for your broken shovels
Oct. 27, 2015

About the Author

Lynn Hayward

Lynn Hayward is a builder and remodeler in Northport, Maine

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