How to Drill a Curved Hole—Wait, What?
A flexible drill bit you can knock together in your shop
A blowtorch, flexible drive, sheet stock, and a spade bit make a mighty clever solution to running wire around corners in framed houses.
How Izzy does it:
- Mark the radius of the corner on the sheet stock with a Sharpie. The radius should be somewhere in the middle of the corner depth you're cutting through.
- Mark a pivot arm extending perpendicular from the curve toward the origin of the circle.
- Cut the sheet stock along the curve and pivot arm.
- Cut the head off a space bit, leaving about 1/4 inch of shaft.
- Fasten the spade bit into the flexible drill shaft.
- Fashion a collar from a length of tubing.
- Heat and clamp the collar into place over the spade bit, allowing the bit to spin freely.
- Weld the collar to the end of the sheet stock drill guide.
- Mount the drilling contraption to a corner block such that it can rest against the corner framing.
- Drill. Baby. Drill. As you drill, apply pressure to the rear lever of the drilling contraption
—Izzy Swan is a woodworker and YouTuber from Charleston, S.C."Ha Ha!"
—Izzy Swan