
When is a Tape Measure like a Baseball?

...when you give it to Kenny.
June 13, 2017
3 min read

...when you give it to Kenny.

There is nothing like the crack of a bat to ring in spring and summer. A brand new tape measure that is compact, durable, and flexible is another good way.


Nylon blades, 30% more compact. I'm Clint DeBoer and you're watching Pro Tool Reviews.

So Milwaukee sent us a 16 foot, 25 foot, and a 30 foot tape. And these are the new compact series. There's not a ton to say about these except that they're 30% smaller than comparable tapes.

And the way you see that is, well, this is the original 25, and if you look at 'em side-by-side you can see there's considerable savings.

There's also a couple other features that are interesting.

They've still got the nylon-coated blades, so they're going to hold up a lot longer. That's an area of wear.

Eventually you're going to see towards the end of your tapes that stuff's just going to go and get scuffed up and scraped up, and eventually you're going to have to replace it. These are a lot more durable, so they're going to last you a lot longer.

The other thing about the compact nature is you'd think they wouldn't be as flexible, they wouldn't be as solid and as durable, but I'm finding that they actually have a pretty good standout.

We've gotten 'em easily to throw about six foot or more every time. And you can get about a nine foot standout, which is probably off the screen.

But they work really well.

I also think that the new stamp-steel clip works functionally well, but I do appreciate the wire design of their other model, which is still on the market, a little bit better.

The tape features an eighth inch scale, so it's really easy to check your markings. You're going to know exactly where you're going. It's going to be good for entry-level people.

Everybody should know how to use a tape by now, but we've found that's actually not the case, so having the markings is very helpful. It's got a five-point reinforced frame. What's nice about that is, well, we dropped it.

We dropped it some more.

We kicked it.

We did some other things.

It's a very durable tape to say the least.

I really like the hook design on this. It's smaller than some of the other hooks. You're not going to be able to get underneath and come behind things like you can with a larger tang, but you can get a razor knife behind it pretty easily and do scoring on drywall, and so that's a nice thing.

The lock is pretty sufficient. It's going to hold on pretty good there.

You can pick these up for about $10. A couple bucks more for a 30 foot, a couple bucks less for a 15. So that's a great price. These are going to sell like hotcakes I think. Everybody can put one of these in their toolbox.

Hey, for more great reviews, check us out on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We're always posting stuff there. And also if you like this video and you want more, subscribe to us on YouTube. Thanks a lot.

—This video is from, an excellent source of tool reviews (as the name implies). Clint DeBoer is one of the founders of ProToolReviews.

About the Author

Clint DeBoer

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