
Video Treat: Turn a Log into Lumber with an 'Alaska Sawmill'

Watch a guy make slab lumber out of a redwood log with nothing but a chainsaw, some planks, and a lever. [OK—and a dust mask and hearing protection]
Jan. 18, 2020

Watch a guy make slab lumber out of a redwood log with nothing but a chainsaw, some planks, and a lever.

[OK—and a dust mask and hearing protection]

Sawmill Hack: How they make lumber in places that log trucks can't reach and sawmills are scarce.

We hope you enjoy this weekend video treat.

David Groth is a sculptor in northern California. His sculpture usually involves a chainsaw. His YouTube channel has a lot of sculptorly videos

This video demonstrates a technique for milling a redwood log into slabs of wood with a homemade Alaskan Mill. Filmed by Julie Joynt. Interviewer asks basic questions so that a person unfamiliar with milling techniques can learn how to mill slabs of wood with their chainsaw without spending money for additional equipment.

About the Author

David Groth

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