
Traditional English Joiner's Bench

An internet investigation into a crude style of old-school workbench leads this YouTuber into a dark and joyful place
April 4, 2020
2 min read

An internet investigation into a crude style of old-school workbench leads this YouTuber into a dark and joyful place

The secrets behind a Joinrer's bench from the olden days are found in a book from 1900.

A joiner is a carpenter who can also make doors, build stairs, install sash windows, do fine trim work, and build furniture.

In this episode of Rex Figures it Out, Rex makes an old School Joinrer's Bench from lumber he has laying around the shop.

Random Tips:

Use construction adhesive rather than wood glue. No, it is not stronger than Titebond II, it is more elastic. It is also specifically designed to join softwoods with fasteners. Such as fastening a subfloor to a floor joist.

He uses half-lap joints on a douglas fir 2x4 for the diagonal braces.

Turns out, Rex uses hand tools for almost everything.

Use screw clamps at the base of the trestle legs can hold them upright.

Let your lumber acclimate to your shop for a week before building the bench. It is better for the lumber to move before you build the bench than for the bench to move after you build it.

This could be a good little #Covid19 weekend diversion.

—Rex Krueger is a YouTuber on youtube who figures stuff out.

About the Author

Rex Krueger

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