ProTradeCraft LIVE: Self-Plumbing Exterior Door Installation
Built-in levels make this door easy to plumb, but snap-on jamb and trim covers make it super easy to install
At the ProTradeCraft demo stage, we installed an exterior door made by Endura. Cody McMillon from Endura stepped up to our challenge of flashing, installing, and trimming an exterior door in under 30 minutes—while we heckled him.
Cody begins the process by throwing away the instructions. Next, he Installed their adjustable pan flashing, which can be doubled-up for large openings...
“The number you can join together is limitless. If you have a nine-foot opening. use three sill pans."
...or cut down for smaller openings.
Now it was time to put the door in the hole. The frame is a rot-proof composite, but that’s not what’s cool about it. It also has snap-on jamb covers, and that’s not what’s cool about it.
The integrated bubble-levels are what’s cool about it. It makes plumbing the door much faster than fumbling with long levels.
“And once we find plumb, we’ll finish fastening the door.”
The frame is fastened at the top, middle and bottom, just snugly. Now they shim the plumb frame tight to the wall framing. After cutting the shims off, Cody snaps the jamb cover into place.
The snap-on jamb cover hides all of the fasteners. Like the snap-on jamb cover, the two-piece brick mold solves problems.
The brick mold backer piece snaps into the frame and is screwed into the framing.
Then the cover piece snaps over the fasteners and Cody is done.
Unfortunately, Cody’s sidekick, Adam, has a vandalism problem, but it turns out that replacing the sill is another thing they came to demonstrate.
“With a putty knife, a set of vice grips, and a rubber mallet, he will be able to replace this piece of aluminum.And just like that, you have a door at the end of construction with no dents, dings, mars, scratches, no putty, no paint-match.”
And just like that, we’re done with the door demo.