
Dr. Joseph Lstiburek, P. Eng.

Dr. Joe is an engineer and founder of Building Science Corporation and buildingscience.com, one of the best sources for building science information available.

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Adsorption: The Fourth State of Water (7 Minutes of BS)

The Top-listened-to podcast of 2024: Dr. Joe Lstiburek explains the fourth state of water: ADSORPED water, with a D. It exists on surfaces as tiny monolayers that fill pores and...
Dec. 10, 2024
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Is 50% the RIGHT Amount for Relative Humidity?

Probably not, unless you are an art gallery in London or a hospital or a data processing center
Sept. 9, 2024
Artworks 4kgm Yt Qh Dy Qk Xbl L Dfj Bsg T500x500

Lstiburek on Water: It is Unbalanced, Crazy—and Beautiful

Bulk water's job description is literally to rot houses, but the REAL danger occurs when it changes phase from liquid to solid, and gas...
Dec. 11, 2023
Artworks Zly Pyr61f S Aw En Nz K0z Cx A T500x500

Vapor Diffusion Ports: How to Keep An Unvented Roof Dry (7 Minutes of BS)

Like a ridge vent for moisture, vapor diffusion ports allow moisture to escape without leaking air
Sept. 19, 2023
Artworks Gzivk7p Xia2 Vq127 O84yrg T500x500

Hot Roof, Cold Roof: Where Did the Terms Come From? (7 Minutes of BS)

Vented roofs are often called cold roofs because they are—(theoretically) cold from ventilation air
May 30, 2023