Concrete & Masonry

A Gut Rehab and Addition Double the Size of a Minneapolis Foursquare

A four-part journey into the layers, techniques, and thinking behind the OA Awesome Wall
April 27, 2023

This house was built in 1927. Like many others of that time, it had a stucco exterior and lath and plaster interior with red oak floors. Unlike many houses of the time, it has a poured-concrete foundation, which is much stronger than the rubble foundations that many homes in Minneapolis are built on.

This video series covers the construction process, focusing mostly on the durable and resilient wall system, which Michael Ansche, owner of OA Design + Build + Architecture, calls "The Awesome Wall."

Four Part Video Series

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Demolition Phase of a Foursquare Remodel in Minneapolis

A drone's-eye view of an ongoing remodeling project
May 2, 2017
0np W Xo Df B9 J Nw3d7 Xl Nxj Zk Wk Jt Bt4 X 9jlmy T Zk

Drone Zone 2: Foundation Waterproofing and Drainage Solutions

A peek at interior and exterior foundation waterproofing in one single house
June 7, 2017
4 Aj Sn2f B Vl3h Gk1 Jden9x Vt 3 Di Z Gl J Pluae Ca5 Zo

Framing Tips for Walls with Thick ZIPs

Exterior insulation can create transition problems. Here are a few solutions
July 7, 2017
Y S Uxz9 Cot0b Ugahdyy Vb Ymh Ql Cu Pv9 Cvff D2 E Yy Sc04

Awesome Wall: Because Sometimes We Screw Up

Belt, suspenders, rainscreen, and redundancy make this wall awesome.
Sept. 18, 2020

About the Author

Michael Anschel

Michael Anschel is the founder and president of OA Design+ Build + Architecture in Minneapolis, MN. He is thew star of Building Resilience, a hot YouTube show about extreme climate construction and extreme home comfort.

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