Siding & Exterior Trim

AZEK Board and Batten: Installation with Sheets First

Install the sheets first, exterior trim second, and fill in with battens
May 23, 2022
3 min read

Board and batten siding with AZEK sheets can look great whether remodeling a home or building new. You can install exterior trim first with sheets installed after, or you can install the sheets first with 4/4 trim installed on top of the sheets, which is what this video illustrates.

Prep work before installing AZEK sheets

Either way, begin with a solid and flat surface. AZEK requires a minimum thickness of ½-inch Plywood or 7/16-inch OSB

Before installing sheets, install the house wrap, window tape, and horizontal flashings over all of the window and door openings, as defined in the building code.

AZEK Sheets with Paintpro technology are available in 8 feet, 10 feet, and 12 feet.

Install the AZEK sheets

Sheets should always be installed vertically and should not bridge floors, so choose a length that will allow you to break sheets at the subfloor.

Leave a 1/16-inch gap between sheets when you install them and fasten ½ inch from the edges, every 8 inches, with a minimum of 1 ½” x .092 hot-dipped-galvanized, ring-shank siding nail.

Allow a ¼-inch gap above the windows. This gap should NOT be caulked because it is an exit point for any water that may leak in.

Leave a ⅛ inch gap along the sides and bottom of the window. This gap SHOULD be caulked against water leaks.

The second row of sheets sits atop the first row, with appropriately sized Z-flashing and a ¼-inch gap that should NOT be caulked.

Another way to detail the transition between rows is with a band board installed along the top of the first row.

Again, use the appropriate-size z-flashing.

Install the corner boards, the skirt-board, and the window trim.

After installing the trim, add a small bead of caulk above any horizontal trims overlayed on top of sheets, such as the window head trim and the skirt board.

Install the battens

You can begin installing the battens over each seam fastened every 12-inches with a minimum 2” x .092 hot-dipped-galvanized, ring-shank siding nail or 2-inch AZEK CORTEX screws. For high-wind areas, refer to the design of wind-load tables for proper fastening.

Fill in battens between the seams, spaced no more than 16-inches apart.
Move up to the next course and install trim and battens as below.

Install the sheets about ⅛-inch short of the soffit on gables to allow movement and install rake trim to cover the gap.

Battens follow as below, and you’re done.

Option for omitting the band trim from board and batten installation

If you choose to skip the band board, extend the corners and battens to the top of the underlying sheets and use the appropriate flashing.

Painting AZEK Sheets with PaintPro technology

You can paint AZEK Sheets in many colors.

If the color you want has an LRV under 55, you’ll need a Solar-Reflective coating or a Vinyl-Safe paint formula.

With or without a band board, AZEK’s board and batten siding looks great and lasts a lifetime.

Before installation, refer to the AZEK installation instructions and code compliance report for complete installation details.

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