In previous summations, we illustrated how to calculate hip and valley rafters for a basic hip roof. We also identified the leading cause of humpy hips: High Heels. Or heel height...
Protradecraft traveled to the home of Building Science Corporation founders Betsy Pettit and Joseph Lstiburek, aka Dr. Joe, to film a replacement window replacement scenario not...
A vapor-permeable roofing underlayment stops air and liquid water while allowing vapor to pass, ensuring a durable roof deck. A layer of Cedar Breather creates a ventilation airspace...
Minisplit heat pumps provide heating and cooling to room-size spaces. Place the head where it will wash the space with air and place the condenser where it won't obstruct traffic...
Flashing a wood-framed chimney is like flashing a dormer, except there’s no roof behind it. Without protection, water can leak into the joint and rot your walls to direct uphill...
Building codes have a bad rap for causing more complexity, cost, and confusion in the construction process, but if you know the code, you can find ways to circumvent high OSB ...