Weep Holes in Tubs and Shower Pans Allow Drainage

Don't caulk them shut

Don't caulk them shut

In A Waterproof Base for Tub Tiling, we touched on the topic of weep holes in a shower pan or tub flange. This raised a few questions as some had never heard of weep holes on a tub or shower.

So we Google it.

Here's a short video showing what happens when weep holes in a shower pan are caulked shut, The shower has a marble surround, but it applies to tile coverings as well.

Shower pans and tubs sometimes have a lip built into the flange that collects water, like a small gutter. The lip will have an opening at corners and/or ends to drain the water out and into the tub. When the weep openings are caulked over, the water cannot get out, so it collects and rots the inside of the wall.

Out of sight, out of mind.

If you catch it early enough, it will just be a drywall repair. Inspecting the floor around the shower and the ceiling below may point to bigger problems.

Or not.

—Patrick Waddell, a home inspector, owns InspectingCharlotte in Charlotte, NC

Slideshow of weep holes. (really).

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